PinQerton Pedigree Database
** | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
AM CH Pinafore President (wit) (18-08-1981) (HD-B) |
AM/LUX CH Pinafore Prestidigitation (wit) (10-07-1992) (HD-A) |
AM CH Allegra Angel In Dis Giz (wit) (03-11-1989) (HD-A) |
INT/GER/BEL CH Trampass de Ladiorti (wit) (09-07-1995) (HD-A) |
INT/GER/BEl/FR/LUX/DUT CH Vison Royal de Catalogne (wit) (12-12-1984) (HD-A) |
LUX CH Miss Dior von Chattengau (wit) (12-03-1989) (HD-?) |
INT/GER/AUS/FR/LUX/DUT/CS/PK CH Anuschka vom Chattengau (wit) (25-05-1985) (HD-A) |
BEL CH Ydolle of Beauty Dream (wit) (14-08-1999) (HD-B) |
Pinafore Unduke de Catalogne (wit) (10-05-1983) (HD-?) |
INT/GER/BEl/FR/LUX/DUT CH Vison Royal de Catalogne (wit) (12-12-1984) (HD-A) |
INT/FRA CH Snowdrop de Catalogne (wit) (?) (HD-?) |
Rose of Beauty Dream (wit) (02-09-1993) (HD-A) |
Ale Kai Amadeus (wit) (10-10-1987) (HD-?) |
Nofretete vom Swenter Moor (wit) (02-02-1990) (HD-?) |
IT/GER CH Super Snowstar von Swentibold (wit) (23-04-1983) (HD-?) |
Klik op de naam van een hond om de achterliggende afstamming te zien | Click on a dogs name to find further ancestors | Drücken Sie auf den Namen eines Hundes, um die weiteren Vorfahren zu sehen |
Nakomelingen / Offspring / Nachwuch |
PinQerton Jules c'est Supreme Jasmine of Oshinda's Pride Java of Oshinda's Pride Jazinta of Oshinda's Pride Jazora of Oshinda's Pride Jente of Oshinda's Pride Jerny of Oshinda's Pride Jessie of Oshinda's Pride Jooseppe of Oshinda's Pride Jupiter of Oshinda's Pride Kianga of Oshinda's Pride Kinita of Oshinda's Pride Kira of Oshinda's Pride Kornel of Oshinda's Pride Kwinta of Oshinda's Pride Kyrra of Oshinda's Pride Zampano vom Bornumer Wald Hamish of Oshinda's Pride Hanicha of Oshinda's Pride Happy of Oshinda's Pride Herasstar of Oshinda's Pride Hismajesty of Oshinda's Pride Hurricane of Oshinda's Pride |
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